Words for the Way – Online Lent Course 2023

Welcome to Words for the Way, an online course for Lent 2023 and the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney. This course is designed for individual use but each Sunday questions to reflect on the past week’s materials will be provided that you might wish to use with others or on your own or with a faith friend.

From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday a new post will be published on the Diocesan Website [https://aoepiscopal.scot/]  in the ‘Other News and Resources’ section (on the left-hand side towards the bottom if you’re on a wide screen). The contributions are anonymous but come from different voices across the Diocese.

Each Monday to Saturday is focussed on a word, with reflections on this word, drawing from the Daily Eucharist readings, prayers, hymns, worship songs, art and more… You’re invited to spend some time reading, observing, listening and reflecting on the material. This could be used as part of a usual or new for Lent prayer and scripture practice.

You may wish to use the prayer below or one you already know as you spend time with the materials. It is adapted from the Lenten address in the Scottish Episcopal Church’s Rite for the Beginning of Lent.

God, I come before you in penitence, reflecting on my life in Christ. I pledge myself to observe this season of self-examination, discipline, and self-denial with sincerity, prayer, and reverent reflection on holy Scripture, seeking God’s purpose for me, and modelling my life on the example of Christ Jesus. Amen.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact Rev Dr Jenny Holden, the Diocese’s Advisor for Christian Life:


This information is available as a pdf: Words for the Way_Intro