Welcome to the new Diocesan Website

Our new Diocesan Website is now launched after many months of preparation.

It has a new menu structure, designed to support the varying and diverse areas of work which take place across the Diocese, and to support individuals, groups and churches in their lives of faith.

All of the most used areas of the previous site have been transferred, and some new content has been added:

More new content will be added over the weeks and months to come.

The site colours reflect the geography of the diocese, with colours taken from the heather that is found in many areas of the Diocese.

The new domain name of www.aoepiscopal.scot has been chosen to reflect our identity as Scottish Episcopalians.  There is no need to change your bookmarks to the homepage as the www.aberdeen.anglican.org” address will also be directed to the site.  However, bookmarks to specific pages or areas of the website will need to be updated.  The www.aodiocese.org.uk domain, which many of our congregations’ websites are attached to, is also directed to the new website.

If you spot anything which requires changing, or if you would like to see further content on the website, please contact the Diocesan IT Officer.