Enjoying the moment – 21 October 2019

Here is a picture about the pleasure of play. Three small girls are running around a fountain in a garden, while an older girl is skipping. The day is warm and sunny, it is a pleasure to be outdoors, and the picture is full of movement.

The painting captures the moment when the skipping girl is in mid-air. Visually we can see this because she has become disconnected from her shadow. Her dress swings and her feet are pointed as she jumps, there is the brief hint of her rope, swiftly painted.

The painting ‘Skipping rope at La Granja’ (1907) is by Joaquin Sorolla, the Spanish impressionist. His concern in this picture is to capture a moment, something much more easily achieved by photography than in paint. To capture movement like this he had to pay close attention to the moment and paint very quickly, while its impression was in his mind. To do this he had to be fully present to what he could see.


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:8-9

‘We are, every moment, invited to participate in God’s kingdom on earth. This means that we engage with reality …. Those who practice Ignatian spirituality often use the term magis, which means ‘more’ or ‘greater’. The idea is that we are always alert to what will do even more for God’s kingdom. We take the situation that is and engage with God to make it better – more beautiful, loving, glorious, and peaceful.’

Vinta Hampton Wright, on Mindfulness and the Holy Spirit

You have placed me in the present moment.
The right here and now.
And in this present moment you have given me so many good things.
Every good and perfect gift is from you.
I pray that today you would bring an overwhelming gratefulness to my heart.
In Jesus name.

Ourdailyrest.net, adapted.