Photos from the Licensing at St James’ Church, Aberdeen

The Rev’d Dr Ruth Green has been installed as Priest-in-Charge of St James’ Church, Aberdeen by Bishop Anne.

Photos and resources from the sermon are available below:


Bishop Anne welcomes Ruth and her family and the rest of the congregation to the service


The first reading was read by Ruth’s husband, Michael.


The Bishop gives her sermon.  Video and text copies of her sermon are available.


Ruth is presented to the Bishop by members of St James’ Church


The Deed of License is read by the Rev’d Dennis Berk.


Ruth is presented with the symbols of ministry by members of the congregation.


A few words from the new Priest-in-Charge.


The Assistant Priest, Canon Ruth Edwards is presented with flowers
to thank her for her work leading the congregation during the vacancy.


Ruth with her husband Michael after the service – we welcome them both to the Diocese.


A reception followed the service.