Photos and Sermon from the Institution at Banchory

The Rev’d Lynsay Downs has been Instituted and Installed as Rector of St Ternan’s Church in Banchory.  Photos from the service are shown below.

Bishop Anne’s sermon is also available – the video was streamed live on our Facebook page and available here (no Facebook account is needed to view the video) and the text copy is also available.

Rev Lynsay processes into the Church.

Bishop Anne welcomes the congregation.

Some of the readers were local clergy from other denominations.

Bishop Anne gives her sermon. Details of the video and text copy are above these photos.

Rev’d Lynsay is presented with symbols of ministry by members of the congregation.

Rev’d Lynsay is Instituted

The celebration of the Eucharist.

Members of St Ternan’s Choir were joined by singers from other churches.

A few words from the new Rector

A reception followed the service.