Make Lunch

‘Make Lunch’ are an inter-denominational charity who tackle ‘Holiday Hunger’ as a form of Christian social action and outreach.  Many children who receive free School meals during term time face difficulties over the summer, when there may be little or no food, or no healthy food, available at home.

1 in 5 Parents in the UK report missing meals in order to feed their children during the summer holidays. This rises to 1 in 3 parents aged between 25-34. (Statistics from Trussel Trust, 2016).

There is currently only ONE Church in Aberdeen (in the Seaton area) offering a ‘Make Lunch’ kitchen during the holidays. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH to meet the current need.

‘Make Lunch’ are looking for more Churches in the Aberdeen+shire area to partner with them and fill the Holiday Hunger gap. They will be coming to Aberdeen in July to offer training for Churches who would like to do so.

It would be great if you could take a look at their website and consider prayerfully whether your Church could be playing a role in this vital project.

**NB- your Church does not have to have its own kitchen facilities. Many Schools are willing to let you use School facilities to prepare and serve Make Lunch meals.

Please get in touch with Henna if you would like to send delegates to the training in July. The date and time is not yet fixed and will be arranged (as fas as possible) to suit the schedules of those who wish to attend.