Spiritual Direction

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What is spiritual direction?

For many people from all walks of life, it can be helpful to have a spiritual companion or guide who will help them to explore God’s relationship with them, and will encourage reflection about what this means in the way they live and make significant choices.

This accompaniment is sometimes known as spiritual direction. Significantly, the spiritual director does not ‘direct’ but listens and accompanies the person as they explore how God is acting in his/her life.

The meeting with a spiritual director is a sacred space where you can bring anything. The Holy Spirit is always present and active in you both.

There are no expectations and there is no judgement.

You may simply want to deepen your relationship with God and want to learn new ways of praying.


What Spiritual Direction is not:

The meetings are not therapy sessions.

They are not an academic foray into theological teachings.

You will not have solutions to problems imposed on you.

You will not be told what to do.

This is not counselling.


The people offering this ministry are people of prayer who will accept you as you are and where you are. They will have completed appropriate training and are accountable for their practice. Many local spiritual directors have completed courses rooted in the Ignatian tradition through the Epiphany Group www.epiphanygroup.org.uk


Questions you may ask:

Where and how often?

The meetings are held face to face in a mutually agreed venue.

A common pattern is about every 4 to 6 weeks for an hour but this can vary according to needs.

Is there a cost?

For some it is necessary to suggest a fee while others can offer it free of charge.

What about Confidentiality?

This relationship is held in a confidential framework and is very individual.

How do I find someone to accompany me?

Initially, you can contact:

Carole will help find you a spiritual director who seems appropriate for your needs. This is an important relationship and it will be reviewed from time to time by you and the director.