Fellowship of St Andrew – a message from the Bishop

Bishop Anne writes:

In order to recognise and honour those who have made a significant contribution to the life of the Diocese and beyond I am inaugurating a Fellowship of St Andrew. Fellowships will be awarded to lay people who have made such a contribution over a good number of years, and whose gifts have been evident in a wide range of settings. Through the Fellowship the Cathedral and Diocese will recognise major contributions to our common life that leave a legacy of great and lasting benefit to those who follow.

The first Fellowship will be awarded to Professor Andrew Morrisson. I am pleased to mark the significant contribution made by Professor Morrisson through the music at our Cathedral. He will receive the Fellowship at the Diocesan Choral Festival at 6.30pm on Trinity Sunday (27 May) in the Cathedral.

Also in this service, the Lay Readers of the Diocese will be renewing their commitment to their ministry.

I am invite any who are able to come and join us for this special service of evensong.