Banchory – St Ternan’s Church

St Ternan’s is a growing medium-sized congregation which worships God across the spectrum of liturgical styles. The music from choir and organists, along with the 2nd Sunday acoustic musicians, adds depth and beauty to our gatherings. The Sunday School programme includes learning about faith through Diddy Disciples and Godly Play as well as study times in Tease café for Teens, along with weekly Youth gatherings on Sunday evenings.  There are also regular gatherings and study groups for adults.


Regular Services and Events:


  • 8:00am: Holy Communion
  • 11:00am:
    • First, second and fourth Sundays of the month: Parish Eucharist with choirs
    • Third Sunday of the month: 9:30am All age service and Mattins at 11:00am
    • Fifth Sunday of the month: Family Eucharist
  • 6:30pm:  Evensong (First Sunday of the month only)


  • 9:00am:  Discussion on bible study


  • 10:15am:  Holy Communion


St Ternan’s Church Online:
