Aboyne – St Thomas’ Church
A diverse group of Episcopalian Christians dedicated to doing God’s work in this part of Deeside.
Regular Services and Events:
- First Sunday of the month: 11:15am: Morning Worship
- Second Sunday of the month: 11:15am: Parish communion
- Third Sunday of the month:
- 10:00am: STOMP for Children 0-11 years
- 11:15am: Parish communion
- Fourth Sunday of the month: 11:15am: Family Communion
- Fifth Sunday of the month: 11:15am: Mattins
- 10:00am: Holy Communion (Second Tuesday of the Month only)
- 7:30pm: Study Group at the Rectory (Second Tuesday of the Month)
- 9:00am: Morning Prayer
- 8:00pm: Choir Practice
St Thomas’ Church Online:
Rev'd Canon Vittoria Hancock
RectorPhone: 01339 755919
Mr John Lovie
Lay ReaderPhone: 01339 755353