Aberdeen – St Andrew’s

St Andrew’s is a centre of Christian heritage, culture and hospitality in the city of Aberdeen.  Choral worship is our ultimate offering to God; biblical preaching and Christian formation founded on the distinct spirituality of the North East of Scotland is our heritage. Promoting faith in the city in being a house of prayer for all people is our mission.

We have been engaged in transforming lives since our birth as a Jacobite congregation in the Castlegate in 1716. In 1784 we were involved in consecrating Samuel Seabury, the first bishop for a free and independent America.

We are an international community following the Lord Jesus Christ.  We believe in the responsible stewardship of our home – the planet Earth.  We are the Eco Congregation in the east end of Aberdeen.

Come and walk with us in our journey together as a society of peace makers. Blessed are the peace makers for they are the heirs of God.

Regular Services:

  • Sunday 10:45am: Sung Eucharist
  • Choral Evensong (Please visit standrewsaberdeen.org for updates)
  • Thursday 10:00am: Holy Communion
  • Last Friday of each month at 7pm: Just Friends Kitchen preceded by Ecumenical Prayer Gathering

Regular Events:

  • Zoom Café on Fridays 10am – email for invitation
  • Cathedral @ Noon Concerts on Saturdays as notified on Facebook page & Website

St Andrew’s Online:
