• CentrePost for December and January now available

    The CentrePost for December 2019 and January 2020 is available as a pdf from here

  • Centrepost for April

    Centrepost for April, giving details of events taking place around the Diocese is shown above.  A printable PDF version is also available.

  • Centrepost for December and January now available online

    Centrepost, giving news of events and happenings due to take place around the Diocese in the next few months, is shown above.  A printable PDF copy is also available.

  • New Centrepost available

    Centrepost, showing events due to take place around the Diocese, is shown above. A printable PDF copy is also available.

  • New Centrepost Available

    Centrepost, giving information of events taking place around the Diocese is shown above for July and August.  A printable PDF version is also available.  

  • Centrepost for June

    Centrepost for June, giving details of events taking place around the Diocese, is shown above.  A printable PDF copy is also available.      

  • Centrepost for May

    Centrepost for May, giving information of events taking place around the Diocese, is shown above.  A printable PDF copy is also available