Vocation and Formation

The Vocation and Formation (V&F) Group works with the Diocese to encourage ordinary Christians in exploring and developing their faith. This may lead to a growing sense of vocation, which the group can help people to investigate and discern. The V & F group also looks at the ministerial educations for both clergy and lay readers. The V &F group believes that all people are called by God, and seeks to encourage them to identify that calling.

The group’s roles and responsibilities:

  • to seek to help all those exploring a vocation.
  • to support ordinands and lay readers in training. Each has a Diocesan Adviser, and all the Diocesan Advisers are in communication with the group.
  • to co-ordinate the CMD (Continuing Ministerial Development) of both clergy and lay readers.
  • To support and organise training for church members which includes lay offices such as chalice bearer and pastoral visitors, but also everyday discipleship and exploration of vocations in daily life.

Want to explore your own call to ministry?

You should contact your Rector or Priest-in-Charge in the first instance.

Vocation and Formation Group Membership: