Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Diocese.

Its tasks include:

  • The preparation, updating and implementation of development plans for 3-5 years.
  • The setting of objectives for the furtherance of the work of the Diocese in the light of recommendations made by the Boards of the Diocese.
  • The utilisation of the resources, human powers, skills, buildings and finances available to the Diocese.
  • The preparation of business/agenda for the Synod.
  • To receive and approve the Annual Accounts and to determine the level of Diocesan Quota to be levied on charges.
  • To consider and approve the Diocesan budget.
  • To decide in its own absolute discretion on the best means of promoting its work and objects and the expenditure to be incurred therefor.
  • To attend to any other matter not explicitly remitted or delegated to any Board, group or individual.

Standing Committee Membership:

  • The Bishop (Convener)
  • The Dean (ex-officio)
  • The Registrar (ex-officio)
  • The Hon. Diocesan Secretary (ex-officio)
  • The Hon. Diocesan Treasurer (ex-officio)
  • Rev’d Canon Neil Brice
  • Anne Harper
  • Julia House

For more information, please contact the Bishop via the Diocesan Office: