Rev’d Capt Gerry Bowyer Installed at Bieldside

The Rev’d Captain Gerry Bowyer has been installed as Rector of St Devenick’s Church in Bieldside.  Photos from the day are available below.

The Service was streamed live on our Facebook page and the video remains available to watch.  You can see it here.

The order of service, and a text copy of the Bishop’s sermon are also available.


Gathered for the service and a welcome to all from Bishop Anne.

Gerry is presented to the Bishop by the wardens of St Mary’s

The license is read by the Rev’d Dennis Berk

Gerry receives gifts of ministry from members of St Devenick’s Congregation

Gerry is installed in the Rector’s stall.

Gerry’s name has been unveiled by one of his wardens on the St Ninian’s notice board outside the church.

A reception followed the service.

Gerry and Jo cut their welcome cake.