
We believe that all Christians are called by God to live life in all its fullness and to represent Christ in the world.

All Christians are called to ministry of some sort be that with or without a dog collar on. The Scottish Episcopal Church and this diocese needs a whole variety of ministries to serve in the places in which you live. Rich or poor, educated or not, we all have something to contribute to the life of the church.

You may not know how God calls, or what he is calling you too. You may be thinking – not me! But God calls us knowing our strengths and weaknesses, our gifts and our skills. We seek to help all Christians to work out their own unique vocation in Christ.

Some people are called to work in lay vocations, such as pastoral assistants, chalice bearers, intercessors or children’s workers – and in many other ways.

Some may be called to work in a ministry of preaching and teaching, such as in the office of Lay Reader.

You may be called by God to work in the community and the church, serving as a Street Pastor or Church Army evangelist.

Others may be called to a form of ordained ministry, such as to be a priest or a deacon. You can find our more about these roles here.

If you think God may be calling you to do something new, please speak to your Rector in the first instance. If you need further help in discernment, your Rector will put you in touch with the provincial vocations team, whose work is described here.